giovedì 7 maggio 2009

Bergamo what it's like

An English friend once described it as "il gabinetto" of Italy. I guess being so close to the Alps any loaded cloud heading north is going to download over our heads, so you have to keep an eye on the sky over the lakes, the south, and Milan to see what's going to hit you when!

Funny thing is that having spent my first years on this earth in England living near Portsmouth I love to have the Alps as a reference point in the same way that I could orientate myself in Hampshire just by finding out which direction the seea was, south! Alps north.

In fact a few years ago flying back from the UK and passing the Alps on the approach to land I unconciously thought "Ah good home again" I realised at that point I had crossed the line. Life in Bergamo is pretty quiet compared to Milan, in fact compared to many people, consider that 35% of the population are pensioners. It comes as quite a shock to go to a city like Dublin that seems to be overflowing with young people and babies. In fact my kids once asked my ex "what have they done with the children?" Fact is there arn't so many of them.

The Bergamaschi are a gernerally pretty reserved lot, you will not make instant friends, but over time they get to open up to you. Many times I was asked cautiously if I was German, replying in the negative that i was English their faces lit up, va bene. I think there are still long bad memories about WWII particularly among the older citizens.

As a City Bergamo's jewel is "Citta Alta" if you haven't visited it yet you will find a stunning walled Medieval City untouched by modern buildings, the views in all directions are amazing. Living so close we don't go there as often as we should, too many tourists today comment.... But that's always the same when you could go any day. However a visit is really recommmended.

Another plus for Bergamo is it's closeness to the lakes Como, Iseo and Garda. Ideal for a "gita" in summer, in winter the ski locations of Fopolo and San Simone are less than 90mins drive away (except Sundays) and Madessimo not so far away.

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